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Show/Hide thumbnail

Show/Hide thumbnail

Kohii provides a special interface called ArtworkHintListener. With this interface, Kohii can tell client when it should show/hide thumbnail (or artwork in Kohii's term). Sample code:

// 1. Let ViewHolder implement ArtworkHintListener interface.
class VideoViewHolder(itemView: View): ViewHolder(itemView), ArtworkHintListener {

  val thumbnail: ImageView = // ... this is the ImageView for the thumbnail.

  // Override this callback to show/hide thumbnail.
  override fun onArtworkHint(
    playback: Playback,
    shouldShow: Boolean,
    position: Long,
    state: Int
  ) {
    thumbnail.isVisible = shouldShow

// 2. Provide the ArtworkHintListener when setting up the Video in ViewHolder
kohii.setUp(assetVideoUri) {
  artworkHintListener = this@VideoViewHolder

You can see this setup in action in this demo.

In the callback onArtworkHint, other than a boolean flag shouldShow which is a hint from Kohii about if the artwork should be shown or hidden, there is also position which is the current position of the Video, and state which is current state of the player. Using these values, you can have your own behavior, other than just show/hide the ImageView.