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class ImaBridgeConfig(val adsLoader: ImaAdsLoader)

Configurations for a PlayerViewImaBridge.

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class PlayerViewImaBridge(    context: Context,     media: AdMedia,     playerPool: PlayerPool<Player>,     imaBridgeConfig: ImaBridgeConfig,     mediaSourceFactory: DefaultMediaSourceFactory) : PlayerViewBridge, AdViewProvider, DefaultMediaSourceFactory.AdsLoaderProvider

A PlayerViewBridge that supports ad media using ImaAdsLoader.

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class PlayerViewImaBridgeCreator(    playerPool: PlayerPool<Player>,     mediaSourceFactory: DefaultMediaSourceFactory,     imaAdsLoaderBuilder: ImaAdsLoader.Builder? = null) : BridgeCreator<PlayerView>

A BridgeCreator that creates instance of PlayerViewImaBridge if the Media contains an ad media Uri, or fallback to a PlayerViewBridge otherwise.