
fun Manilo(    context: Context,     playerPool: PlayerPool<Player> = ExoPlayerPool( context = context.applicationContext, userAgent = Common.getUserAgent(context.applicationContext, BuildConfig.LIB_NAME) ),     imaAdsLoaderBuilder: ImaAdsLoader.Builder?,     rendererProviderFactory: RendererProviderFactory = ::PlayerViewProvider)

Creates a new instance of Manilo from a Context and a custom ImaAdsLoader.Builder. Application can also use a custom PlayerPool for the Player, but they are all optional.

fun Manilo(    context: Context,     config: ExoPlayerConfig,     imaAdsLoaderBuilder: ImaAdsLoader.Builder?,     rendererProviderFactory: RendererProviderFactory = ::PlayerViewProvider)

Creates a new instance of Manilo from a Context, an ExoPlayerConfig and a custom ImaAdsLoader.Builder.

fun Manilo(    context: Context,     playerCreator: (Context) -> Player? = null,     imaAdsLoaderBuilder: ImaAdsLoader.Builder?,     rendererProviderFactory: RendererProviderFactory = ::PlayerViewProvider)

Creates a new instance of Manilo from a Context, a custom way to create Player instance, a custom way to create MediaSourceFactory for the Media item, a custom MediaSourceFactory for the ad media and a custom ImaAdsLoader.Builder.



Creates a new Player instance.

fun Manilo(    master: Master,     playableCreator: PlayableCreator<PlayerView> = PlayerViewPlayableCreator.Builder( .setBridgeCreatorFactory(defaultBridgeCreatorFactory) .build(),     rendererProviderFactory: RendererProviderFactory = ::PlayerViewProvider)